Saturday, September 29, 2007

weekly update

hey guys,

ive been in hospital again, with another tummy bug. this one hit me like a truck, i was fine when i went to bed, but then i woke up and started puking and just didnt stop...the hospital staff actually recognise me sad...
last night we had traditional kenyan dancers come and perfom for us. It was a very energetic show, abd they sure could shake their booty :P
the walls for the classrooms are now high enough that we are using scaffolding. Ive not gotten any fotos of it yet because ive been bed ridden.
im now focuses mainly on my kili summit and getting my Uk visa. Ive started organising my uk pub work as well. The way things have panned out, i will be leaving CK early to get my visa so i can meet steph in the UK.
this week has been rather dull compared to the last couple of weeks.
i still havent gotten any sms from people...whats going on??
i think thats all for now.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

what a week

I havent got much time so i will be typing quickly.

most of this week was quite boring, just doing project work and the elike. tuesday and friday was interesting

on monday, some of us went to the wema orphanage nearby. i wasnt included cause im ment to go next month. the people at the wema orphanage then kicked them out that same day and told them all toi go home. reason was that there was a german lady who has recently started sponsering the orphange, and came to visit. she saw some of the CK people working and demanded they leave, as they dont have any working visas. If they get caught working (even for volinteering purposes) then they facer deportation, and the managers of the orphanage get their asses kicked 10 ways into hell and back.

What some of us were thinking was, how can this woman come in and kick people out of an orphanage who are doing some good. shit, imagine that...

on friday, we had a girl at muhaka school have a slight psychotic episode just before they were due to go home for lunch, she ran out of the classroom screaming and tearing her clothes off. Lucky she had underclothes on. she then just passed out randomly in the field and had a seizure of some sorts. Her classmates then took her back to her classroom and did nothing whle she continued having fits.

Not long after this we took her to the local clinic where the nurses sorted her out. HSe had an amazingly high blood pressure tat was bad, but not life threatening. it was 170/110. My blood pressure is about 120/60...holy shit...

i later received word that this happens because she had a fight with another girl, her blood pressure goes up and she faints/seizes. she is ok now

later that day we had a cultural tour around muhaka. We met the palm winer man. This guy is 80 years old, compleatly smashed and climes up these palm trees to tap palm wine. I know know how to get it too :D

then we say the local witch docter which is another story in itself.

When i get home ill write a proper post about it as it counts as one of those days.

Guys, i didnt get any text message this week...whats going on? i feel unloved :P

hope everyone else is ok


Saturday, September 15, 2007

week 2

this week hasnt been so hectic as last was.

Im sad to say i had to take out my dreadlocks. the hair extions i got with it were just falling out, so i made the painful decision to just cut them all out. you may all mourne the los of the dreads.

But more importantly, im going to give all of you my kenyan mobile number. it is (drum roll please) 0726597351. the kenyan country code is 254 so you dial +254 726 597 351. i expect to get lots and lots of messages in the next week. You also need to put ur name in ur message as i have lost al of my contacts when my phone broke.

now for some stories.

on wednesday, we had our first birthday party and camp muhaka. it was Kaija's and Gemmas birthday. We had a toga party, but not many of us actualy had togas, so we just all wore out bed sheets. There are some crazy fotos ill post on facebook and myspace when i get the chance.

the party was kick ass, we had such a good time, i got pretty hammered and i was late to work the next day, but thats allright.

during the party, we had the people from the other camp kenya (makongennie village) come and stay with us. Aparently there was a tsunami warning that day, so they had to evacuate. they seemed pretty cool at first...but little did we know how dick head-ish they were.

At 3 am, after i passed out in bed, 2 chaps came home from 40's, the local sports bar. they had had a few beers, and were the type of poepl who get very messy when drunk. Their beds had been put outside as a practical joke. They came back to find that they had no beds at all, so they came into out room yelling, swearing and threatening us, demanding their bed. They messed up our stuff, sprayed our deoderants every where and played annoying music loudly.

Patience, one ouf our camp managers, along with our armed security guard came in and told them to go to bed, if they didnt, they would be arrested. to my releif they actually went to bed. Theres nothing quite like a big black african man with a rifle threatening to throw you into a third world prison at 3 am to get you to bed. Gotta love kenya.

Guess what we gossiped about the next day...

Also this week i have been planning my Kilimanjaro summit. 3 other poms r doing it as well so it should be good. i will be doing it mid october.

I think thats all for now. msg me when you all can


Saturday, September 08, 2007

first kenya post

hey guys

well i have had a very hecti week (bro)

on my way to mombassa, my bags got lost. I had a feeling this would happens so i wasnt suprised at all. I went for 3 days with out my bags and i was borrowing clothes off other poeple. My bags were eventually found and i have them now, thank goodness.

We have started work on muhaka primary school. We were sent to a different village to what were were briefed on in australia, but thats ok. in the 4 days that we have ben worjking, we have laid a concrete slab for the 3 classrooms we are building and we have also started on the brickwork. Doesnty sound like much, but everything has to be done manually; Mixing the concrete included. Our concrete mix is 1 bag of cement, 3 weelbarrows of sand and 4 barrows of gravel, which in reality is small stones. We take it back to the construction site and mix it all with shovesls. we then take it up the the foundations 1 barrow at a time and lay it on the foundations. On a good day we can do 2 mixes with 3 bagks of conrete each, and one 2 bag mix in the arvo. Im gonna be a tank when i get back.

This week i have also been in hospital for a night. dont stress, im ok, it was just a gut infection. Diani beach hospital is very nice. I had my own room with a dvd plater, tv, air con and an ensuit bathroom, also 3 meals a day wich had an entre, main and desert.they wated to keep me there for 2 nights but i said no. It was very obvious they are just after the rich white tourists' insurance funds. I hated every minute of it. What really what me was that they got dissapointed when i didnt eat my food. Well no shit guys, my stomach is doing backflips, no wonder im not hungry. They didnt seem to realise this.

During the night at this place i had a male nurse come in and check my drip 3 times in one hour for lack of any thing else to do. During the second morning there i had people constantly coming in and out of my room. Nurses asking me what i wanted to eat, docters checking up on me, nurses getting my blood pressure, cleaners, some did to put a mozzie repeller in...all this while there is construction work going on.

I hated it there, and im annoyed that Ck sent me there straight away, rather than talking to a docter first. they say hospital is ment to be the last resort. In my case, it was the first.

Another adventure i had was buying sim cards for every one when i was getting my bags back. Myself and Hugh, on the way to the Ci office, bought 14 sim cards and credit for people in the camp. I had about 11,100 KSH in my wallet. It didnt close...
We bought this all from a little shack on the side of the road. It felt like the shadiest thing to do, but it was good fun.

I have also washed my phone so it doesnt work any more. I have bought a new one for 4500ksh. one aussie dollar will buy 50 shillings, so im quite happy with that price.

Tomorrow i am getting dread locks in my hair with hair extentions...i cant wait.

thats all for this week folks, ill post again in 7 days time to tell u what i have been up to.
