Saturday, September 22, 2007

what a week

I havent got much time so i will be typing quickly.

most of this week was quite boring, just doing project work and the elike. tuesday and friday was interesting

on monday, some of us went to the wema orphanage nearby. i wasnt included cause im ment to go next month. the people at the wema orphanage then kicked them out that same day and told them all toi go home. reason was that there was a german lady who has recently started sponsering the orphange, and came to visit. she saw some of the CK people working and demanded they leave, as they dont have any working visas. If they get caught working (even for volinteering purposes) then they facer deportation, and the managers of the orphanage get their asses kicked 10 ways into hell and back.

What some of us were thinking was, how can this woman come in and kick people out of an orphanage who are doing some good. shit, imagine that...

on friday, we had a girl at muhaka school have a slight psychotic episode just before they were due to go home for lunch, she ran out of the classroom screaming and tearing her clothes off. Lucky she had underclothes on. she then just passed out randomly in the field and had a seizure of some sorts. Her classmates then took her back to her classroom and did nothing whle she continued having fits.

Not long after this we took her to the local clinic where the nurses sorted her out. HSe had an amazingly high blood pressure tat was bad, but not life threatening. it was 170/110. My blood pressure is about 120/60...holy shit...

i later received word that this happens because she had a fight with another girl, her blood pressure goes up and she faints/seizes. she is ok now

later that day we had a cultural tour around muhaka. We met the palm winer man. This guy is 80 years old, compleatly smashed and climes up these palm trees to tap palm wine. I know know how to get it too :D

then we say the local witch docter which is another story in itself.

When i get home ill write a proper post about it as it counts as one of those days.

Guys, i didnt get any text message this week...whats going on? i feel unloved :P

hope everyone else is ok



Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:05 AM, September 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jasha ralph and i have just had 3 lovely days relaxing at at a lovely resort at the entrance (central coast)it has all gone to fast! was needed as your dad and i have very busy lives.
glad to hear you are well and will have lots of storys to share. carol phoned to say that your shoulder was giving you trouble jasha please dont over use it. may be you can do some other work as pain is no fun. love clare

7:10 PM, September 23, 2007  

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