Saturday, September 08, 2007

first kenya post

hey guys

well i have had a very hecti week (bro)

on my way to mombassa, my bags got lost. I had a feeling this would happens so i wasnt suprised at all. I went for 3 days with out my bags and i was borrowing clothes off other poeple. My bags were eventually found and i have them now, thank goodness.

We have started work on muhaka primary school. We were sent to a different village to what were were briefed on in australia, but thats ok. in the 4 days that we have ben worjking, we have laid a concrete slab for the 3 classrooms we are building and we have also started on the brickwork. Doesnty sound like much, but everything has to be done manually; Mixing the concrete included. Our concrete mix is 1 bag of cement, 3 weelbarrows of sand and 4 barrows of gravel, which in reality is small stones. We take it back to the construction site and mix it all with shovesls. we then take it up the the foundations 1 barrow at a time and lay it on the foundations. On a good day we can do 2 mixes with 3 bagks of conrete each, and one 2 bag mix in the arvo. Im gonna be a tank when i get back.

This week i have also been in hospital for a night. dont stress, im ok, it was just a gut infection. Diani beach hospital is very nice. I had my own room with a dvd plater, tv, air con and an ensuit bathroom, also 3 meals a day wich had an entre, main and desert.they wated to keep me there for 2 nights but i said no. It was very obvious they are just after the rich white tourists' insurance funds. I hated every minute of it. What really what me was that they got dissapointed when i didnt eat my food. Well no shit guys, my stomach is doing backflips, no wonder im not hungry. They didnt seem to realise this.

During the night at this place i had a male nurse come in and check my drip 3 times in one hour for lack of any thing else to do. During the second morning there i had people constantly coming in and out of my room. Nurses asking me what i wanted to eat, docters checking up on me, nurses getting my blood pressure, cleaners, some did to put a mozzie repeller in...all this while there is construction work going on.

I hated it there, and im annoyed that Ck sent me there straight away, rather than talking to a docter first. they say hospital is ment to be the last resort. In my case, it was the first.

Another adventure i had was buying sim cards for every one when i was getting my bags back. Myself and Hugh, on the way to the Ci office, bought 14 sim cards and credit for people in the camp. I had about 11,100 KSH in my wallet. It didnt close...
We bought this all from a little shack on the side of the road. It felt like the shadiest thing to do, but it was good fun.

I have also washed my phone so it doesnt work any more. I have bought a new one for 4500ksh. one aussie dollar will buy 50 shillings, so im quite happy with that price.

Tomorrow i am getting dread locks in my hair with hair extentions...i cant wait.

thats all for this week folks, ill post again in 7 days time to tell u what i have been up to.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jash.

its ur beautiful steph here. hehehehe.
steph wil keep you updated with what she has been doing (apart from attacking all the guys who want to be with her) hehehe

been hangin out with dan heaps, as uve probably guessed from monday night. we went to the gym and then the beach and pancakes until late in the morning and driving but we told you all about that. We both wanna be so soo ssoo tanned by the time we get to the uk, because you know we want ppl to guess we are aussie ><

i hav no idea wht ive been doing the rest of the week. went out clubbing with jess and jenny from wrok... daniel some how ended up with us too... but no idea how tht happened. I drank way too much... but thts coz its a bad idea trying to keep up with them. jess reminds me all the time abou tme Bout me hitting the security guy onthe arse! lol. he askd me if he could hed been working out. lol. bit of fun :P (apparntly) i dont remmber it :P

parramatta won this weeknd. :D

went out with the girls from high school yesterday it was good! bonding sessions gallore.. the boy talk is getting easier.. You prob dont care about any of this lol, but oh well. its btter than u askn me wht i have been up to on msn. and me being boring. everyone has been lookin aftr me, which is good, algthoug i dont really need it yet. Stayed up watchinng movies and takln til like 3. i dont think theresx been one night tht hasnt resulted in me sneaking bak into my bed til like 4 am :S not sure if thts good or bad.

ive been thinking about my bday plans but nothing has been set in concrete. I lol@ at u being a tank wen u get back :) ive been going ot the gym heaps too!! daz keeps telling me tht i hav to be beautiful by the time comes to see u again! hahaha. one of my friends who should remain unnamed is trying to persuade me to poledance party or my bday. but my jash wont be here.. so im thinking only something small. Did u get my 7 mnths msg? or was ur phone ewashed by then. geez ur a dork! >< lets just make it harder to keep in touch... get rid of the phone all togthr.

how bout my letter pout** hhahahah i prob sound liek the biggest retard atm.

ive been keeping an eye on ur mum.. hahah tht sounds bad. but wen u email her, let me no... so i can go round.. theres no point in me going if theres nothin there.

send me a pic of the dreddies.. i cant wait to see you :D i hope u dont get to sick for a while. :( my poor jashy in hospital.. next time make it for something worthwhile... like a lion bite :D how cool would tht scar be!! heheheheheh.... just dont let it do any real damage!!! otherwise i will hav to come over and protect u. I can be ninja against them XD heheehehe

now i wanna talk bout the blog but ive forgotten wht u said lol.

i still want piccies of the animals too XD

im still using ur camera atm too!! but i dont no how to get them off there lol. Msg me wen u get credit/sim/phone...

the primary school construction sounds like awesome work!! do u get to talk to the kids and people. Did u end up seeing annique at all?? She still msging you?? hahahah... prob not, considering u dont hav a phone!

umm i wanna remmber everythin in this commnt, because its just sad to leave a million commnts.

oh well i cant think right now. im gunna go hav a bath. love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

i miss you
ill see you soon!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

7:39 PM, September 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ey jash, sounds good part from the hospital part. the reason they send u straight to the hospital is just in case you have malaria, its better to be safe than sorry i reckon. its funny how you got a stomach bug straight away and some of our group didn't even get a bug at all. anyways keep us posted
adrian p

9:16 AM, September 12, 2007  

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