Saturday, September 15, 2007

week 2

this week hasnt been so hectic as last was.

Im sad to say i had to take out my dreadlocks. the hair extions i got with it were just falling out, so i made the painful decision to just cut them all out. you may all mourne the los of the dreads.

But more importantly, im going to give all of you my kenyan mobile number. it is (drum roll please) 0726597351. the kenyan country code is 254 so you dial +254 726 597 351. i expect to get lots and lots of messages in the next week. You also need to put ur name in ur message as i have lost al of my contacts when my phone broke.

now for some stories.

on wednesday, we had our first birthday party and camp muhaka. it was Kaija's and Gemmas birthday. We had a toga party, but not many of us actualy had togas, so we just all wore out bed sheets. There are some crazy fotos ill post on facebook and myspace when i get the chance.

the party was kick ass, we had such a good time, i got pretty hammered and i was late to work the next day, but thats allright.

during the party, we had the people from the other camp kenya (makongennie village) come and stay with us. Aparently there was a tsunami warning that day, so they had to evacuate. they seemed pretty cool at first...but little did we know how dick head-ish they were.

At 3 am, after i passed out in bed, 2 chaps came home from 40's, the local sports bar. they had had a few beers, and were the type of poepl who get very messy when drunk. Their beds had been put outside as a practical joke. They came back to find that they had no beds at all, so they came into out room yelling, swearing and threatening us, demanding their bed. They messed up our stuff, sprayed our deoderants every where and played annoying music loudly.

Patience, one ouf our camp managers, along with our armed security guard came in and told them to go to bed, if they didnt, they would be arrested. to my releif they actually went to bed. Theres nothing quite like a big black african man with a rifle threatening to throw you into a third world prison at 3 am to get you to bed. Gotta love kenya.

Guess what we gossiped about the next day...

Also this week i have been planning my Kilimanjaro summit. 3 other poms r doing it as well so it should be good. i will be doing it mid october.

I think thats all for now. msg me when you all can



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So - how was the flight from Sydney to Jo'berg & then from Jo'berg to Nairobi to Mombasa?
Did you stay at the airport or go into Jo'berg?

Any first impressions of Africa?

Did you get a pic of the dredlocks before they became dedlocks?

Most importantly ... who put the beds outside the tent?

Seen you're first elephant / stepped in your first elephant poo yet?

Which is more dangerous in Kenya - a) an elephant?
b) a mosquito?

Are you working with a team or do you get rostered independently?


8:58 PM, September 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*moans the dreadlock* :D *throws ashes out to sea*

I just wanna talk to my jash. Even no i hav nothing importnat or remotly interesting to say.

Im glad ur still having a good time, every time u think ur bored.. think of me... and then kick ur hacky sack.. and see what happens.. Coz if u dont have a swift bucket good time.. i will hav to hit you.

Ill hav a surprise or 2 for u wen i get to the uk. hahahahah
tht sounds bad :P

yes its exactly wht u think it is!! *mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha**

hang on... moan the dreadlocks?? tht doesnt say morn... im confused.

me and daniel hav been thinkgin bout this whole... not stating work til january... and weve decided... we cant change our plans to fit around you. Theres no way we will afford a month in london without working.. so thats alittle bit homosexual. :(

Im not thinking about it tho. 3 months was a long enough time for me... 3 weeks ago...

Paid airfares today :) its offical ill be in london on the 3rd of December.

I dont wanna talk about srs stuff... i just wanna chat....Ive been all whiney all week.. im not sure wht my problem is... mayb i should stop complaining, especially to you.

Im gunna go now. Im embarasing myself.

miss u heaps xoxox

5:37 PM, September 20, 2007  

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