Sunday, February 24, 2008

just Chillen

hey there devoted fans,

sorry i havent posted much, but very little has been happening here.

im working in a clothes store, getting cash (!) untill i get paperwork together. daniel got a job at a bar, steph is still unemployed.

today i spent 8 hrs folding and packaging novelty tshirts for sale...

yesterday i went to a club that had was practically empty, still stayed out and was late for work.

dan steph and i r thinking of going overland in europe to somewhere. i wanna go to instabul via budapest, all on coaches and maybe some trains. what r peoples thoughts on this? the idea for this trip is to just make a beeline to whereever we wanna go and see what happens.

thats about it for now.

love to all



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I finally got your blog site address again after misplacing it. (it's now saved in my "favourites")
Hows things?
Steph says you've been slack lately and havn't posted in a while (tisk tisk) and that you reckon you've been forgotten...well its not true - you just gotta stop losing your phones (or drowning them hehe)and email everyone your blog site incase they've misplaced it too. And blog some more to tell us where u are.
We got your presents the other week by the way. They're very nice thank you muchly - one question though, are there 3 table clothes or 2 plus a sarong thingy? I reckon they're table clothes but mum reckons you wear them... . Anyway my favourite was the elephant book holders and so was mums and ralphs lol so they're on the piano as a shared presie.
I wrote you an xmas card in like the begining of december and you kept moving so I havn't sent it yet. Should I still send it..? Will you be in one place long enough to recieve it? If so email me your address. And speaking of cards - where was ours? You sent pressies with no greetings.
Oh and have you posted your new mobile number yet for your "fans"? lol
Ok well I better go, I've been pretty busy lately. We're holding a suprise 50th party for Suresh tomorrow night (sat 1st march) and I've been told to clean the bathrooms... joy
love ya and miss ya
ur big sis

10:18 AM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Happy Leap Year!
speaking of happy and eventful days, it's your birthday soon! My advice is to get a postal address for us so u can actually get presents as opposed to waiting til u get home for them

10:21 AM, February 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sup Jash

Istanbul is an amazing place. COmpletely different culture to absolutely anything you have experienced to date and an incredible amount of history and things to see. I highly recommend it. Alternatively, its on the mainland so if you are looking for a change of scenery then GOGOGOGOGO.

Tlak to you soon man


10:58 AM, March 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jash!
Happy Birthday!
you haven't posted anything for like nearly a month... would be great to know what you're doing!
hope you have a great day, wherevever you are!
love kat

9:43 AM, March 19, 2008  

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