Thursday, January 24, 2008


for the past 3 days, dan steph and i have been sight seeing in bath. We got the train here on tuesday morning, and we r goig back today (thursday)

on tuesday we left fairly early, about 9am, to go to the train station. the train trip was pretty good and about 2 hrs laterwe arrived at bath. We got out of the station, wandered down a street and fund a back packers hostel. we did some internetting, then went to bath abbey.

Bath abbey is pretty cool. out the front, carved in stone is the ladder to heaven, some big archways and other cool old church things. we went ito the abbey, donated £2.50 each and wandered around. we got a few fotos and just soaked in the atmosphere of it all. had i had seen the church on the inside, i may not have donated to it. on the pillars were 60 inch flat screen lg units, and swanky looking ose speakers. typical church, things havent changed much have they...

after the abbey, we wondered around a bit and then went back to the hostel to have a rest. we then went out and hit up a few of the clubs. we first went to a place called revolutuons. their main selling point was that they made large cocktails but sold them in massive jugs...perfect for sharing. even better if u want to pick up chicks. after a few jugs there, we went to another club called delfter krug. i had quite a few (double) vodka rebulls and ended up getting almost kicked out at the end of the night and i had no money at all in my wallet. at some point during the night i lost steph...she had gone to the bathroom to vinit, but ended up passing out for a little bit in there.

the next morning was hell...i woke up sounding like a chainsaw and feeling like i had eaten one too...i got dressed and we all went to a local pub for some breakfast. geasy goodess was just what we needed after last night. after breakkie, we went to stonehenge via a little town of Lacock. this little town was like being in a time warp. all the houses r owned by the national trust, so the people who rent them cant change them at all. soe of the houses have thatched roofs. these need to be changed about every 50 years or so, and costs about 20000 quid. the owners arnt allowede to replae a thatched roof it a n e thing else either... when we got to stonehenge it was pretty cool to see it, but it wasnt mind blowing. it was cold an windy and not much fun, but we persevered. we got a free audio tour, most of went along the lines of "we donty know who or why they did this..." and then went on totalk about other things around the time that stonehenge was being built.

we then went back to the hostel, rested for 10mins, then decided to head out to see what we could get to eat. it was 6pm so it was still early. on the way we passed the bath spa, we went in and had a look, they had a twilight package that included 3 hrs in the baths and a diner as well.

we ran back, got our swimmers and then went to the baths. we got out own towel, robe and slippers. the bottom floor is a great big pool, the second level has scented steam rooms (the spearmind really blows ur mind) (no it really does), and theres also a pool on the top level, on the roof. we had great views of bath, especially the abbey. all the walls were white and they had gentle music playing in the background. dinner was good. a little small, but good. the whole experience was very rich and we felt quite pampered, and not like back packers at all. my skin still feels all nice the next day. daniel took his waterproof camera, so we have some kool fotos.

thats about it for now. more to come when we next have a small trip again.



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