Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Working in the Uk

Well so much for getting that visa. Turns out u can change ur status once ur in the UK...oh well. im working at the red lion, although apparently its still legal. Im not sure on the details, but apparently u can work a cirtian amount over a cirtain period of time and its still ok.

working at the pub can be tough, but most of the time its a pretty cruisy job. Im working behind the bar poring beers most of the time. When im not doing that im keeping the 3 real fires going. The beers we have are staropramen, 'old speckled hen' amstel bier, birra moretti, timothy taylors 'landlord' (a hand pumped real ale) guiness, and grolsch blonde. no fosters thank god.

thats another thing that has surprised me: fosters is on tap at so many places its crazy. for a beer that has a horrible reputation in australia, its much loved pver here. although it still tastes just as bad.

I can now do most of the stuff behind the bar, pour a beer, get any spirit+mixer, and offer some advice on beers and the wines we stock. i can even pour 2 beers at once. tho one has to be a slow poring beer like guiness or speckled hen.

another thing thats good to do is watch people. some times its the only thing to do. We often get the men taking out the women to impress them. They will almost always open up a tab and go from there. its easier to get the chick drunk that way. once that is happening, the man will let rip with the witty and interesting conversation. and the night goes from there.

one night we had a couple making out in the doorway. thats not really cochre in our pub and what made it worse was that they were both in their early 40's by the look of them...

at this time of year we have lots of work christmas parties usually at lunch time. One party gor roudy (and childish) 2 guys ended up with plastic penises strapped to their heads. i wonder if they got the message... the last of that party didnt leave untill about 8 that night. one cute looking assistant went home with one of the penis head men...i wonder how her walk of shame was the next morning...

thats about it from me. post comments telling me what u want me to write about.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how was the movie at Leicester Square? I saw 2001 A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, If and Lawrence of Arabia at one or other of the cinemas in the square when they first came out, as well as stumbling into one of the last seats for the initial release M*A*S*H because I couldn't get into anything else only to find I was in a ring-side seat at the hilarious launch of a modern classic ... And is London "Dinky" (miniature) or big? Have you crossed any or all of the bridges over the Thames? Jealous or what eh? Great to hear about people-watching in the pub - exactly which of the Red Lions in Slough is it? Cheers, Pa

12:59 AM, December 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOunds like some of those blokes need a bit of game jash. Does it make you cringe? :p

Whats the reception on the auzzie accent in the UK? Does it make you a marked man or a much loved one? Would love to hear more about what steph and you are managing to get up to on your days off. What sort of touristy things have you gotten up to? When you folks meeting up with rishi and what you doing for chistmas and NYE?

Ok thats my questions done :D:D

12:36 PM, December 23, 2007  

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