Friday, August 31, 2007

im at the air port

hey every one,

I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my plane. My batgs have been checked in and im all set to go.

all i need to worry about is my stop over in jo'burg. Ive been told there r other antips people on my flight...i just need to find them on the 747. If i cant, i will just get a room myself and chill till my next flight.

I'm finally doing it, after 2 setbacks im finally outta here.

check back for more updates, ill try and post from jo'burg.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

19 days

Well, I have 19 days until I head overseas. I’m nervous. Skid-mark nervous.

On Saturday, I went to St George bank at Hornsby and applied for a loan. This loan is just to bolster my funds. Although, if successful in getting the loan, I will be paying it off for the next 3 years. The loan was 1 of a couple of major things I need to get done before I go. I also need to get my final jabs (just some boosters) and my malaria tablets. After that, it’s just packing everything and jetting off.

I will be having a farewell party on the 26th of August. Already 2 people can’t be there. I ask that every one seriously make the effort to get there, even if it is just for an hr or so. I’ll be disappointed in those who can’t make it and who give me a lame excuse. Death, incapacitation and education are the only excuses I’m taking.

If people cant make it on the Sunday, but want to see me jet off, then I’m more than happy to give u the details of my flight (check earlier blog posts). It will also absolve one from the wrath of Jash.

I’ve noticed in my preparation, every one insists on giving me advice on my travels. To every one that has, thank you, but really, its not needed. I have been on 2 fucking training camps for this trip, oh and by the way iv been to a third world country before.

Most of the advice is pretty common sense stuff (although it is true that common sense isn’t so common). Most of it is like “Jasha make sure u drink clean water” yes, I will be making sure of that, thank you, to the million people who have told me. Does every one honestly think that ill be drinking out of puddles on the street? Get real, it’s a touristy area so there’s lots of places to get clean bottled water. How do I know? Well I have actually researched the area I’m staying at, and have been told by people who have stayed at camp Kenya before.

Another thing is ive been told is that im gonna get sick over there. No shit. I will most defiantly be getting Kenya belly.

However, the advice that shat me the most was I had one person (who will remain un-named) tell me to take, and wear lots of condoms. What the fuck? Ive got a long term girlfriend most importantly, but what got to me the most is that this person thought I would actually want to have sex in Kenya. In the words of one of the trainers for my trip said: “It’d suck to come back with AIDS” how true that statement is…

I guess the point im trying to make is this:

People, I am prepared for this trip. I have been working towards it for almost 2 years now. I have deprived my self of sleep, a social life for weeks and weeks at a time, luxuries like beer and condoms, all so I can make this happen. I have been over seas before and so I consider myself to be equipped for this trip of a lifetime.

I may be young for my grade at school, and maybe my being a physically small person has something to do with it. I know i am sounding very negative and bitter, but all I’m asking is that people have faith in me and my abilities.


Another thing I am worried about is what I’m going to do when I get back. I’ve always told myself ill settle down into a career when I get back. But I have no idea what that career may be. The two front-runners are circus or military. Both very different, both just as daunting as the other.

That’s all for now.
