Friday, March 16, 2007

My To Do List

These are the things i have to do before i go, in no particular order.

pay antips
organise and book plane tix
save more cash
get gear together


research other countries im going to
research kenya
travel guides

i know there more things to do but i cant remember them atm.

in other news, my girlfriend may be joining me in the UK. ive allmost definatly decided to go to the UK. (a young ausse going to the UK, cliche i know) i plan to spent a month or 2 there, living off dollars (or pounds) a day. i plan to go places you wouldnt expect to find aussie backpackers. we may even go to ireland, but im not sure about that.

im exited that steph may be coming to the UK with me. it will be good for her as well given that she has never been outside of NSW. i am also exited about not having a trip that is pre planned and bubble wrapped. i dont want to take a contiki tour filled with beer and loose chicks. that sort of hollow experience doesnt appeal to me. as ive said before in this post, i want to go waaay off the beaten track.

by the time this trip comes into fruitition, i will be very ready for a holiday. working two jobs is demanding on me both physically and emotionally.

the physical demands: sore knees and ankles (i have to stand at both my jobs) sore wrists, RSI type injuries in my fore arms, getting up at 4am, getting to bed at 10pm and up again at 4am.

the emotional demands: no night life, next to no social life: i had a friend tell me i dropped off the radar, when i get really tired and fatigued i get depressed. i then ask myself "why the hell am i working 12 hrs on a friday night?" ect ect. wow, i could allmost need therapy. fuck that emo depressive shit.

nothing else comes to mind but then again ive been up since 4am, and its allmost midnight. i havent had dinner yet and i may not cause im that tired.

cheers for now.

P.S i will never go back and read the things i type cause i absolutly hate it. it carries the same feeling as watching urself on tape or hearing ur own voice recorded. horrible.

also, get used to internet contractions like 'u' instead of 'you' and no capital letters, or aposrophies, and maybe too many commas and so on. i write how i would speak. (and thats not all too flash incase u havent noticed)